Of course if someone was to spend 12k on models, I can see why Games Workshop will go out of there way to get signed copies of the books, art, and all the extras.Īlongside the entire Chapter of Space Marines you'll also receive a signed copy of Codex: Space Marines a signed copy of Insignium Astartes (the definitive guide to the heraldries and squad markings of the Ultramarines) a full Chapter organisation chart a breakdown of the composition of each of the 10 companies a signed art print of the Codex: Space Marines book cover and a signed art print of Paul Dainton's painting of the Ultramarines assembled for battle. Now to be honest, I think the best part of this bargain is the signed copies of everything that you get alongside it. Although if I had 12k sitting around, it should head towards retirement and or a nice vacation, or paying off the house. This is both very cool, and yet so far out of reach for most everyone. No need figuring what you need, its all here. Here it is, buying a full Ultramarines Chapter all at once is now available and ready at a single click of a button.